Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is the treatment of undesirable conditions such as dental caries, tooth fracture, which occur when bacteria from the surrounding tissues of the tooth infect the living tissue in the tooth.

Under the enamel and dentin tissues of the tooth, there is the pulp tissue, which is commonly called the dental nerve. This connective tissue provides the general nutrition and innervation of the tooth. As a result of this tissue being under physical and bacteriological influence, pain occurs in the tooth. Root canal treatment is applied to the teeth to relieve this pain.

Root canal treatment is a procedure performed under local anaesthesia. Dentist firstly cleans dental caries, if any, and reaches the root canal where the living tissues in the tooth are located. The living tissues in the root canal are cleaned or removed by instruments used in root canal treatment. After shaping the root canals, they are filled. This procedure usually takes 2-3 sessions.

Success rate of root canal treatment is high when it is performed in accordance with the rules. It can be renewed after an unsuccessful treatment. Root canal treatment is the last treatment that can be applied to the tooth. During the root canal treatment, the tooth can be covered with filling material, or in cases where the tooth is too damaged, a placement of dental crowns or dental posts in the canal may be necessary.